C Programming

1. WAP to generate segmentation fault when a program tries to access unreserved memory.

2. WAP to generate Floating point exception error or divide by zero error.

3. WAP to take data from user.

4. WAP for signed character input.

5. WAP for unsigned character.

6. WAP to calculate size of datatypes.

7. WAP to know address allocated.

8. WAP to use all format specifier for data.

9. WAP to access unreserved memory and show how it overwrites the previous data.

10. Basic idea of real numbers.

11. WAP to use assignment operators.

12. WAP to swap 2 numbers using a temporary variable.

13. WAP to use [%] and [/] operators.

14. WAP to get the last digit of a given number.

15. WAP to delete the last digit of a number.

16. WAP to reverse last 2 digits of a given number. 

17. WAP to swap two numbers without using temporary variable.

18. WAP to use explicit type casting.

19. WAP to understand relational operators.

20. WAP to understand comma [,] as a operator and separator.

21. WAP to understand logical operators.

22. WAP to understand bitwise operators.

23. WAP to swap 2 numbers using bitwise operator.

24. WAP to understand shift operator.

25. WAP to set, clear and toggle a bit.

26. WAP to know whether a bit is high or low.

27. WAP to understand conditional operator.

28. WAP to print which number is bigger using conditional operator.

29. WAP to check given integer is odd or even using conditional operator.

30. WAP to check given integer is positive or negative using conditional operator.

31. WAP to check if a given number is zero or non-zero. If non zero, check if given integer is positive or negative using conditional operator.

32. WAP to check given alphabet is lowercase or upper case using conditional operator.

33. WAP to change lower case to uppercase. If already uppercase don’t change it.

34. WAP to check if given 2 integers are equal or not using conditional operator.

35. WAP to check given number is power of 2 or not.

36. WAP to understand function data parsing happens from right to left.

37. WAP to understand printf function return type

38. WAP to understand increment and decrement operator.

39. WAP to understand increment and decrement operator in printf function call.

40. WAP to understand [if] as a conditional – non iterative statement.

41. WAP to scan a character from the user, display that character and its ASCII value only if the given input is small alphabet.

42. WAP to scan a character from the user, display whether it is a lower case or upper case.

43. WAP to understand if, else if functions.

44. WAP to scan a number and bit position from the user also display a menu for set, clear and compliment of bit. Take a menu selection input from user, depend on the selection perform the task and display the results.

45. WAP to understand [sizeof] operator.

46. WAP to understand compound assignment operator.

47. WAP to understand [goto] control statement.

48. WAP to display multiplication table of a given input number.

49. WAP to print binary format of a given number.

50. WAP to count how many bits are set in a given input number using [goto].

51. WAP to count number of digits in given input number using [goto].

52. WAP to understand masking.

53. WAP to understand for loop

54. WAP to print number of bits using for loop

55. WAP to print digits of given integer, sum of each digit of given integer and count of each digit of given integer.

56. WAP to add all the even and multiply all the odd digits of given integer.

57. WAP to reverse the digits of given integer.

58. WAP to tell if a number is PALINDROME.

59. WAP to add 1st and last digit , multiply digits which are between them

60. WAP to count and multiply numbers: >=5

61. WAP to print factor of a given number

62. WAP to check if the given number is prime number or not

63. WAP to check if the given number is prime number or not ( Part 2)

64. WAP to check if the given number is prime number or not (Part 3)

65. Number is perfect number or not

66. Check if a number is palindrome

                Yes: Print number of set bits

                No: Print number of clear bits

67. To check if a number is prime or not

                            Yes: Add all alternate digits

                            No: Multiply all alternate digits

68. Number is perfect

                            Yes : Print binary of number

                            No : Print count of factor

69. Find factorial of a number

70. Make a series : 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 

71. To reverse binary of a number (Method 1)

72. To reverse binary of a number (Method 2)

73. To swap nibble of a given char data ( Method 1 )

74. To swap nibble of a given char data ( Method 2 )

75. WAP to rotate the number of bits in a number.

76. WAP to print binary of number from 50 to 60

77.  WAP to print binary of number in given range

78. WAP to print first [X] binary format of number starting from given input

79. WAP to program to print prime numbers from 50 to 100

80. WAP to program to print prime numbers between n1 and n2

81. WAP to program to print first [x] prime number starting from [n]

82. WAP to print palindrome number from 100 to 200

83. WAP to print palindrome number by user defined range

84. Program to print [x] palindrome numbers starting from [y]

85. To find perfect numbers

86. To find [y] number of  perfect numbers starting from [x]

87. Pattern 


88. Pattern                    


89. Pattern


90. Pattern

91. Pattern


92. Pattern


93. Pattern


94. Pattern




96. Pattern

* *
* * * *

97. Pattern

a *
a * c
a * c *
a * c * e

98.Prime Number using while loop.


                                    2 3
                                    3 4 6
                                    4 5 7 10
                                    5 6 8 11 15

100. Pattern

                                    3 4 6
                                    5 6 8 11 15

101. Pattern

                                                            2 3
                                                        3 4 6
                                                    4 5 7 10

102. Pattern

                                       * *
                                      * * *
                                     * * * *
                                    * * * * *

103. Pattern

                            * * * *
                                         * * *
                                           * *

104. Pattern

                                       * *
                                      * * *
                                     * * * *
            * * * * *                            
             * * * *
                          * * *
                            * *

105. Vowel or not

106. Calculator

107. Understanding Pointers.

108. Size of pointer variable.

109. Difference between character pointer and integer pointer.

110. WAP to check if the system is big endian or little endian.

111. Difference between integer and float pointer.

112. Print binary of float using integer pointer.

113. Understanding constant and read only pointer.

114. Void Pointer

115. Incrementing character pointer and integer pointer.

116. Accessing all bytes of float using character pointer.

117. Printing binary of float using character pointer.

118. Program to swap 1st and 4th byte - 2nd and 3rd byte using character pointer.

119. Program to calculate number of elements that can be stored between two pointer locations.

120. Understanding arrays.

121. Program to scan the elements of an array and print it on the screen.

122. WAP to reverse the elements of given array

123. WAP to swap 1st and 2nd half of given array

124. WAP to swap 2 alternate numbers of given array

125. WAP to find prime numbers for a given array

126. Program to prove that in an array the elements are at adjacent location.

127. Program to find out what happens when you increment a and &a.

128. Different ways to scan array value and print array value.

129. Program to find largest element from given integer array also find its index.

130. Program to find 2nd largest element from given integer array .

131. Program to arrange array in ascending order using bubble sort.

132. Program to arrange array in ascending order using selection sort.

133. Program to print elements of integer array using integer pointer.

134. Difference between character array and string.

135. Program to scan a string and print it.

136. Program to print the given string - character by character.

137. Program to find length of a given string.

138. Program to understand what happens when you exceed the limits of array.

139. Program to print given string in reverse.

140.  Program to reverse the content of a given string

141. Program to convert lower case to upper case of a given string

142. Program to check if a given character is present or not in a sting.

143. Program to count vowels in a string

144. Program to copy source string to destination string.

145. Program to concatenate two strings.

146. Program to compare two strings - Part 1 (abcd - abcd)

147. Program to compare two strings. - Part 2 (abcd - aBcd)

148. Program to delete a character from a string.

149. Design a function to print binary format of a given input number.

150. Design a function to count how many numbers are set in a given input function.

151. Design a function to check given input is prime or not. If prime return 1 else return 0.

152. Call by value function.

153. Call by address function.

154. Design a swap function for swapping of two number.

155. Design a function to print the elements of given integer array and arrange it ascending order.

156. Design a function to find largest and second largest element of a given array.

157. Design a function to print given string character by character.

158. Understanding predefined string functions.

159.  User defined (strlen, strupr, strchr, strcpy,strrev, strrev1, strrev2,  strcat, strcmp)

P160. To delete a character from the string using strcpy & strchr user defined functions

P161. To reverse string words.

P162. Using recursion function design a program for factorial finding .

P163. Using recursion function design a program for binary printing.

P164. Program to print string using recursive function.

P165. Program to length of a string using recursive function.

P166. WAP to scan 5 strings and print it on the screen.

P167.  Interchange 1st and 3rd string.

P168. Sorting of string 

P169. Sorting of string using array of pointers. (Virtual Sorting)

P170. Understanding (Pointer to an array).

P171. WAP to print elements of integer 2darray using pointer to an array.

P172. Program to understand command line input using ( void main( int argc, char**argv))

P173. Program to find length of a string using command line input.

P174. Program to find length of multiple strings using command line input.

P175. Design a calculator with command line arguments.

P176. Implement user defined ( atoi ) function.

P177. Implement user defined ( atof ) function.

P178. Understanding ( sprint ) function.

P179. Understanding ( sscanf ) function

P180. Program to allocate dynamic memory for 1 integer, scan it and print it.

P181.Program to allocate dynamic memory to 5 integers, scan it and print it

P182. Program to allocate dynamic memory for ‘n’number of  integers, scan it and print it

P183. Program to allocate dynamic memory for 1 string, scan it and print it.

P184. Program to allocate dynamic memory for 5 strings, scan it and print it.

P185. Program to allocate dynamic memory for ‘n’ strings, scan it and print it.

P186. Program to allocate dynamic memory for integer 2D array, scan it and print it.

P187. Program to initialize structure variable.

P188. Program to scan data at run time using structure variable.

P189.  Program to store 1 student database which contains 3 information ( roll no – name – marks )

P190. Program to store 5 student database which contains 3 information ( roll no – name – marks ) in unsorted order, ask the user for input in which way he/she needs the data to be sorted.

1 – Roll No

2 – Name

3 – Marks

P191. Program to store 5 student database which contains 3 information ( roll no – name – marks ) in unsorted order, ask the user for input in which way he/she needs the data.

1 – Display name of highest marks student.

2 – Even roll number information’s.

3 – Name ending with a vowel – display its information.

P192. WAP to understand structure pointer.

P193. WAP to allocate dynamic memory to 1 students database, scan it and print it.

P194. WAP to allocate dynamic memory to 5 students database, scan it and print it.

P195. WAP to allocate dynamic memory to n students database, scan it and print it. Take number of students input from user.

P196. WAP to understand how to handle a member if it’s a pointer.

P197. Program to understand nested structure.

P198. Program to understand bit field.

P199. Different ways to access data of struct data type.

P200. WAP to design a function which returns 3 different types of data which are integer, string  and float.

P201. WAP to design a function which allocates dynamic memory for 1 student data base and returns starting address of that.

P202. WAP to design a function which allocates dynamic memory for 1 student database and returns starting address of that memory but return type of function is void.

P203. Program to understand structure padding.

P204. Program to understand union datatype.

P205. WAP to prove we are working in little endian environment using UNION.

P206. WAP to print the binary format of a float using UNION.

 P207. WAP to understand typedef.

P208. WAP to understand ENUM.

P209.  Understand Macro without argument.

P210.  WAP to design function type macro for addition of two numbers.

P211. WAP to design macro for multiplication of 2 numbers.

P212.WAP to design a macro for swapping of 2 numbers.

P213. WAP to design a macro to find biggest of two numbers.

P214. WAP to understand token parsing operation

P215. WAP which contains multiple main inform to preprocessor, place any one main in .i file

P216.  WAP to define a macro without its body.

P217. Predefined Macros
